Modeling data on web (5)
Modelling Data on the Web note 5: More error handling & RDF, a graph-based DMRobustnessIn computer science, robustness is the ability of a computer system to cope with errors during execution and cope with erroneous input.Formats for External ...…
Modeling data on web (4)
Modelling Data on the Web note 4: XML Schema, XQuery, and robustnessTree data models Data Structure formalisms: XML (including name spaces) Schema Language: XML Schema (XSD) Data Manipulation: XQueryXML 有很多schema。可以通过 expressive power, easy of ...…
Modeling data on web (3)
Modelling Data on the Web Week note 3 Tree Data ModelsTree data models Data Structure formalisms: XML (including name spaces) Schema Language: RelaxNG Data Manipulation: XPath, DOM and PythonXML a data model with a tree-shaped internal represe...…
Modeling data on web (2)
modeling data on the web note 2 Tree data modelsTree Data Models Data Structure formalisms: JSON Schema Language: JSON Schema, CSVW Data Manipulation: Python, JSON packagesemi-structured data models当将数据存入RDBMS/TABLES中,将需要很多joins,递归(Recursive)jo...…
Modeling data on web (1)
modeling data on the web note 1what is a (core) data model flat: CSV(format是text file), word table: relational table(table is the core data structure) tree based: XML graph based: RDFData structure unstructured data e.g., image, video, text. ...…
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