


Modeling data on web (1)

modeling data on the web note 1

what is a (core) data model

  1. flat: CSV(format是text file), word
  2. table: relational table(table is the core data structure)
  3. tree based: XML
  4. graph based: RDF

Data structure

  1. unstructured data e.g., image, video, text. These data is informationally opaque(不透明)
  2. semi-structured data e.g. JSON, XML. These data is informationally transparent(透明)

key aspects of (what is ) data model

  1. Underlying Data Structure,”CoreDataModel”
  2. Data Integrity(完整性)
  3. Data Manipulation(操作)
  4. Data sharing
  • a complete data representation and manipulation approach
  • a particular data representation for a domain or application,also called the domain model


different shapes

  • arrary-like
  • tree-like
  • Graph-like
  • Document-like

different volumes

  • small to big

different velocities(速度)

  • Static/offline(离线) to streaming(流)

different use patterns

  • Many readers/few writers or the reverse or other

polyglot persistence

use a variety of different data storage technologies for different kinds of data


即便是single core data model 也会有不同特征,多种domain models,版本。

Tables in a relational model

  • table is a set of tuples
  • tuple is a set of key-value pairs


import csv
with open("../Adresses/mod2-uk-500.csv") as csvfile:
line_count = 0
myreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='t') for row in myreader:
        if line_count == 0:
             line_count += 1
print(f' Candidate {line_count}: Firstname {row[0]} Lastname {row[1]} City {row[4]}')
line_count += 1
print(f'Processed {line_count -1} Candidates.')

what is formalism

  • syntax: what can we write?
  • semantics: what does our writing mean?
  • with precise (mathematical) definitions
  1. be clear about what we mean
  2. allow the determination of key properties
  3. to abstract away from particular implementions

Modelling With SQL

  • format: 不同的格式(表的设计(模式)不同 format就不同)
  • schemas: create statements. eg create table t1. with certain constraints
  • query: select statements. e.g. slect name form X
  • SQL is (mostly) closed over tables (Functions 例外)

Filtering in SQL

Filtering Columns

Keep all columns:


Just a single column:

SELECT county FROM People

Multiple columns:

SELECT name, county FROM People

Rename columns:

SELECT street_address AS address FROM People

Filtering rows

Selecting specific tuples


SELECT * FROM People WHERE surname = "Smith"


WHERE heartrate > 95

Compound criteria:

WHERE heartrate > 95 AND county="Kent"

Join in SQL

An inner join is a join filtered on common columns

SELECT * FROM People, Phone
INNER JOIN ON People.person_id = Phone.person_id

An outer join is like an inner join but it returns also rows that do not have a match in the other table (it will return also people who have no phone!)

SELECT * FROM People, Phone
RIGHT OUTER JOIN ON People.person_id = Phone.person_id


  • Considering lots of matches (think indexes)
  • Generating large intermediate tables


null is a distinguished value which can mean:

  • “Value not yet known”
  • “Not applicable to this entity”
  • “Value undefined”
  • check out LSQL
  • Key property: Unequal to everything

Null Unequal to everything So, Null can stand for

  • an unknown value
  • an attribute that is not applicable to the current row
  • the empty set

If you have no nulls in your base tables you can’t get them in tables derived by inner join

So we need outer joins

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