


Modeling data on web (2)

modeling data on the web note 2 Tree data models

Tree Data Models

  1. Data Structure formalisms: JSON
  2. Schema Language: JSON Schema, CSVW
  3. Data Manipulation: Python, JSON package

semi-structured data models

当将数据存入RDBMS/TABLES中,将需要很多joins,递归(Recursive)joins.所以需要替代品: Semi-Structured Data Models

Database Alternatives to Tables

Trees, underlying(基础) various semi-structured data models

  • OEM
  • Lore
  • JSON
  • XML


What is semi-structured data

is data organised in semantic entities, where

  • similar entities aregrouped together
  • entities in same group may not have same fields
  • often defined as a possibly nested set of field-value pairs
  • not all fields may be required
  • carries its own description
  • we can have several values for the same field

serializing and parsing

serializing: Tree -> Bit (10011010) parsing: Bit (10011010) -> Tree

Internal Representation

We need an Internal Representation to know when two pieces of semi-structured data are the same, and to determine what matters

a piece of semi-structure data/nested set of field-value pairs can be represtented as a tree.(tree就是一种半结构化数据的内部表示)

  • leaf nodes: standing for single data items (eg. “Yan”)
  • inner nodes carry no label(树的内部节点什么也没有)
  • edges labelled with field names(eg. fist_name)

we can represent relational data by SSD:semi-structure data(tree), though with an overhead.

How to represent(store) SSD

various formalisms to store semi-structured data

  • Object Exchange Model(OEM)
  • Lore
  • XML
  • JSON

different formalisms with different

  • internal representations
  • mechanisms for self-describing
  • datatypes (e.g., integer, Boolean, string, data-time…) supported
  • description mechanisms for (semi) structure: schema languages
  • query languages & manipulation mechanisms

JSON: a tree-shaped / semi-structured data model / interchange format

  1. JSON was developed to serialise(STORE) JavaScript objects
  2. JS object or other data can be serialised into JSON, XML

JSON’s internal representation is

  • objects {} and arrays [] with nesting
  • atoms (numbers, booleans, strings)e.g. 1,ture,”hah”
  • or similar structures in other programming languages


Trees have many different shapes: for example, Abstract trees


eg, ExCSV(带heading的csv) make data more guessable. It could read the field tags 
 and guess intent. But still need to guess the type.

From the external representation one should be able to derive the corresponding internal representation.

  • External:the (Ex)CSV, JSON file/snippet, i.e., text!
  • Internal:the JS object, arrary

If one converts from an internal representation to the external representation and back again, the new internal representation should equal the old XML can be said to be more self-describing than ExCSV


A schema is a description of

  1. DBS. It describes
  • tables
  • their names and their attributes
  • keys, keyrefs
  • integrity constraints
  1. CSVs. It describes
  • columns
  • their value range (ie which data goes where)
  1. JSON documents. It describes
  • structure: how objects/vectors are nested, which keys are required
  • data: datatypes,restrictions (what values go where)
  1. XML documents It describes
  • tag names
  • attribute names
  • structure: how elements are nested. which elements have which attributes
  • data: what values (strings? numbers?) go where

What scehmas can do (why use schemas)

A schema describes aspects of documents:

  • what’s legal: what a document can/may contain

  • what’s expected: what a document must contain

  • what’sassumed: default values

Two modes for using a schema:

  • descriptive: describing documents, let people know how to serialize their data
  • prescriptive: prevent the application from using wrong documents

Benefits of an schema

  • Specification: according your format
  • As input for applications. applications can do error-checking in a format independent way (eg. whether an XML document conforms to a schema) (可以用validator tool来检查输入文本,no need to test for errors, 应用只需处理validator的结果,这样达到了format indepent)

CSVW is a CSV Schema

CSVW supports built-in datatypes plus XML Schema (XSD) Data Types.

It can be used to describle(表,key约束,列名,列值,用正则表达式)

  • a group of tables
  • uniqueness and (foreign) keys constraints
  • defaults values for cells
  • column titles, possibly with language code
  • use regular expressions to describe column titles or values
  • use various vocabularies, e.g., Dublin Core
  • units of measures that go with column

Validation and Being Valid

A CSV D is valid wrt/against a schema S if D satisfies all constraints in S. Checking whether D is valid wrt S is called Validation (which done by hand or validator)

D can be valid wrt S without any validation having taken place!

Regular Expressions

Given a regular expression e, a string w matches e

  • w为空字符串,w等于e,w等于e中的某个symbols
  • if w=w1w2 and e=(e1,e2) and w1 matches e1 and w2 matches e2 , or
  • ife=(e1 e2) and w matches e1 or w matches e2
  • if w=𝜺 and e=e1*
  • if w=w1 w2…wn and e=e1* and each wi matches e1 Hence we can use
  • e+ as abbreviation for (e,e*) 匹配前面的子表达式一次或多次。
  • e? as abbreviation for (e ε) 匹配前面的子表达式零次或一次。
  • * 匹配前面的子表达式零次或多次

JSON Schema (2nd schema language)

types supported by json schema

  • restrict String: max/min length, regular expression, date, time
  • Numbers: integer or floats. (minnimum, exclusiveMinimum-不包括极限值)
  • Objects{}
  • Arrays[]: be restricted via size, type of (all, some, tuple) content
  • Boolean
  • Null


"properties": {
        "id": {
                "description": "The unique identifier for a person",
                "type": “integer”,
                "minimum": 10,
        "name": {
                "description": "Name of the person",
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                        "first": {"type": "string"},
                        "last": {"type": "string"},
                        "others": {"type": "string"}
                "required": ["first", "last"],
                "additionalProperties": false 
"required": ["id", "name"] }
{"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
    "definitions": {
        "GoodString": {
             "description": "Strings for Names",
             "type": "string",
             "pattern": "[A-Z][a-z]+"}},
     "title": "Product",
     "description": "Uli's example",
     "type": "object",
     "properties": {
        "id": {"description": "The unique identifier for a person",
                "type": "integer"},
        "name": {"type": "object",
                 "properties": {
                     "first": {"$ref": "#/definitions/GoodString"},
                     "last":  {"$ref": "#/definitions/GoodString"},
                      "others":{"$ref": "#/definitions/GoodString"}},
                 "required": ["first", "last"],
                 "additionalProperties": false},
         "age": {"type": "number",
                 "minimum": 0,
                 "maximum": 100}},
     "required": ["id", "name","age"]}

Valine - A simple comment system based on Leancloud.
